This post in support of the CHOOSE YOUTH rally in February, 2011 argued, “it is no exaggeration to say that the future of an open and voluntarily negotiated work with young people is under severe threat”. Was it an exaggeration?

Thanks to Anti-Cuts Across Wigan for the photo.

1. In the next week all supporters are asked to make every effort to push the significance of the CHOOSE YOUTH Rally on February 12 in Solihull. Please circulate the information around your own networks. We are aware that some workers have reservations about the rally format, feeling that its regulated character is at odds with the improvisation of student initiatives on the streets in the pre-Xmas period. However we know that these critics, despite their reservations, are to the fore in encouraging and organising both workers and young people to register and attend. So, with this in mind, let’s all make very effort to ensure the success of the Rally.

Full details are to be found at

The Rally flyer can be downloaded either from this site [see below] or the Rally’s Publicity page. UNITE is to be congratulated on the time, energy and finance the union is putting into the organisation of the event.

Booking places can be done easily on the site, whilst UNITE have appointed a network of transport co-ordinators. For instance, as an example, we have been informed that a 100 seater coach is leaving London at 7.30 a.m. on the day. Knowing this sort of effort is being made should help mobilise people.

It is no exaggeration to say that the future of an open and voluntarily negotiated work with young people is under severe threat. The fundamental premise of the post-Albemarle settlement – that youth work is about informal education, the positive fostering of the critical young citizen – is in danger of being abandoned. Far too often we lapse into a negative defence of our practice. When challenged by the media, we argue that youth work  prevents anti-social behaviour, reduces drug misuse and even reduces teenage pregnancies. Such arguments are in danger of being hostage to fortune. In overusing and emphasising the preventative dimension to our work with young people we play into the hands of those, who wish to redefine us as youth social workers or positive activities instructors. More than ever we need to stress confidently that youth workers are informal educators, who labour in a distinctive, voluntary setting, where the young people’s agenda is paramount. This is what makes us different. This is what makes us influential.

STOP PRESS : There is now a CHOOSE YOUTH thread on the CYPN forum. Put in your pennyworth and create some momentum.


2. Exclusive Survey by CYPN youth services and children’s centres worst hit as cuts average 13% in one year.

3. Closing date for petition against Warwickshire’s closing down of the whole youth service is the end of this week. Go to


The Struggle continues – next step in Solihull on February 12. Let’s make some noise!

One comment

  1. A lot of energy went into these protests yet very few had any real impact.

    I think where we saw growth it came from people building fresh ways to fund and resource youth workers in the face of austerity.

    Whether their efforts have kept the beacon alight we shall see.

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